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State to place Cyber Security Policy to sustain digital economy

Emphasizing safety, security and trust are very important to ensure the sustainability of the digital economy and for unleashing innovation at scale, Dr.C.N.Ashwatha Narayana,...


The New Year aspiration of people is to buy a new model which is latest in the market a new car. This time of...

World Consumer Rights Day

I am highly amused when I read about  fellow Bangalorean—Mr.Murthy, decided to take the legal route for 40 paise with Hotel Empire & in...

‘Bengaluru India Nano’ for ‘Sustainable Future’ to be held from March 7-9

One of the flagship events of the government, “Bengaluru India Nano” having ‘Nano for Sustainable Future’ as its theme, scheduled to be held from...

What is Digital Currency?

Brief insight about Digital currency which is making waves in Financial World. Digital currency (digital money, electronic money or electronic currency) is any currency, money, or money-like asset that...

Industry Linkage Cell launched to facilitate employment opportunities

An “Industry Linkage Cell” set up by KSDC, aimed to facilitate improved employment opportunities by building strong Industry-Academia relationships, was launched on Thursday. Launching the...

Cyber Security collaboration is significant in our relations: Taiwan

The India-Taiwan bilateral relation has been ever-expanding in recent times with the collaboration including the Cyber Security arena. In this background, Prof. Chin Tsan...

South Africa, Vietnam, UAE will be participating in the BTS-2021 for the first time

Focus on setting up sister-city collaborations with emerging cities of Karnataka and GIA partner countries says IT/BT Minister The Global Innovation Alliance (GIA) launched in...

Skill Demand Assessment Survey to be conducted in Karnataka

To enable planning of skill development training in a systematic way, it has been decided to conduct a skill demand assessment survey in the...

GCC proposes to set up Bengaluru Design District : Dr Narayan

Investors from Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) countries have evinced keen interest to set up a world class Design District on the city outskirts besides...

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