About Us

kannadapress.com is an independent news and opinion portal. Our aim is to convey the authenticated news through digital media. Ours is fearless journalism. Since our readers are our masters we don’t have any obligation to none. We don’t believe in giving fake and fabricated breaking news. Any news items published in our portal, we ensure the authenticity of the same. We have initiative, infrastructure and expertise in gathering the news items from several reliable and reputed sources. Then only we are publishing the same. News , facts and information given in kannadapress.com are precise, independent and whole truth. High quality information and analysis are published. We promise to give contents in the portal without any obligation. We have got high standard team who have worked for decades in established and famous news papers and magazines by upholding the moral and ethics in responsible ways. english.kannadapress.com is sub sub domain of kannadapress.com