Dual Degree Programme – A Bonanza to the Aspiring Student Community

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Recently on 13th April 2022, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has released a notification regarding dual degree programme. As per the notification, students are permitted to pursue two full time UG or PG programmes simultaneously. It is indeed a revolutionary decision benefitting an aspiring student to choose courses of his/her choice and fulfill  life’s ambitions. I am convinced that there are several questions running in the minds of students. In this article, in order to make the things perspicuous, I would like to present in the form of questions followed by answers.

  1. What is that UGC notification regarding dual or double degrees?

The University Grants Commission at its meeting held on 31st March 2022, took a landmark decision to allow students from the academic year 2022-23 onwards, to pursue two full time degrees simultaneously in the off-line mode if the class timings do not clash or in online mode or hybrid mode. The UGC has issued notification in this regard on 13th April 2022. Online mode must be pursued only in those institutions having recognition from UGC to run such courses. These guidelines are applicable to all degree programmes except Ph.D programmes.

2. What made UGC to take this decision? What is the objective?

The prime objective is to appreciate, identify and further unique capabilities of students, by sensitizing both teachers and parents to promote holistic development of students. The other intentions are providing maximum flexibility to the students, offering multiple paths for learning, enabling the students to customize their education i.e., enabling students to study what they want to study.

As stated by the UGC Chairman Prof.  M JagadeshKumar, under this scheme students will be able to plan their academic career better and will be able to identify and pursue their passion and reach their true potential. He has also made it clear that this decision has been taken in line with guidelines of NEP 2020.

3. What are the merits? How are the students benefitted?

It is indeed a bonanza for aspiring student community. Under the scheme, students can customise their education by choosing whatever subjects they desire to study, either complementary or diverse subjects. For Example: In diversed learning, a commerce student pursuing B.Com course, can choose BA in performing Arts simultaneously either in offline or online mode, an engineering student can enroll for B.A in English literature. Besides, the   scheme allows students to take up skill development courses along with knowledge based courses and enhance their job prospects. By this system, students can save time in their prime youth phase of life accelerating their education and learn multidisciplinary skills.

4. Is it for the first time this scheme is introduced?

This scheme has been prevalent in advanced countries for a long time. Generally, one knowledge based and other skill basedcourses are chosen. In our country, the scheme has been introduced for the first time.

5. Is it difficult for the students to cope up with extra efforts or walk extra mile?

It is not mandatory and all the students need not pursue dual degree programmes. Only those who have the ability and confidence can enroll for two courses simultaneously under this scheme. Students who are serious, industrious and of course, curious and capable can take advantage of the scheme.

6. Will the scheme affect the quality of education?

The scheme has no link with quality of education. In order to ensure the quality of education, courses have to designed in such a way that they are relevant, engaging with well-defined learning outcomes and comprising best of the curricula. If these aspects are addressed, quality will not suffer.

7. There is a general feeling among students, parents and employers that the university degrees and jobs are decoupled. How will acquiring an additional degree help the students?

It should be noted that absolutely there is no link between this aspect and the UGC scheme. The relevance of a course in the employment market depends on course design, curriculum content and delivery, practical exposure, skill component, training, assessment procedure and soon. These aspects need to be addressed irrespective of mono or dual degree programme.

8.What are the preparations required on the part of the institution desirous of starting dual degree programmes?

Depending on the availability of resources both academic and physical, and considering career prospects of students, institutions have to decide on the programmes. The institutions can avail this scheme to broaden the career prospects of students by introducing hybrid learning, innovative courses with multidisciplinary approach as envisaged by NEP 2020.Also, the institution has to get approval from the statutory bodies.

9.Can UG and PG programmes be pursued simultaneously?

No, dual programmes have to be pursued at the same leveleither two UG or two PG programmes.

10. Can a student pursue dual programmes from two different universities or institutions?

Yes, provided time schedules of academic activities, class timings and other activities do not overlap or clash with each other.

11.Can technical courses be pursued under the scheme?

No, the scheme is valid for non- technical courses only.

12. How to seek admission to dual degree programmes?

The admission policy will be formulated by the respective universities and colleges. In order to start the programme in any institution or university, statutory bodies have to approve the guidelines, work out on the modalities and then facilitate implementation of the new scheme.

13. What about attendance requirements?

 Respective institutions/ universities have to take decision in this regard in accordance with the existing rules and regulations.

14. How can the academic credit system for the dual degree programmes be adopted?

As we are aware, under NEP 2020, transferable credits have been offered to students to complete degree programmes which essentially facilitate multiple entry and exit options. Under this system, a student can drop out from one course and join another course provided the student has earned necessary academic credits and satisfy academic requirements. In line with the policy, under the dual degree programmes also students can carry credits across the programmes subject to fulfillment of credits as per the university guidelines.

The UGC has launched this student friendly programme in line with the objectives of NEP 2020. How the younger generation makes use of this scheme for their career growth and fulfilling their ambitions, needs to be watched in the days to come.



  1. Highly informative and useful for aspirants. Knowledge based and skill based education simultaneously itself is need of hour. Better late than never. This definitely helps in exploring talents of future generations.


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