Does your Drinking Water Have LIFE? JIVA Gives Life to Stressed Water


Vikram Kollegal of Bellary is the owner of Vasavi Dairy Farm and has over 60 cattle. He sells milk to hundreds of houses of Bellary andalso supplies milk to Karnataka Milk Federation. Pashupati of Bellary, who runs a textile business has befriended Vikram through the round table.While discussing with Vikram, one day Pashupati mentioned about a device named JIVA he recently learnt about. The device strengthens the water. As Pashupati mentioned about this, Vikram too became curious. He collected further information regarding the device and installed it in his farm. He found the positive results of the device soon. It improved the milk production in his farm by 10 – 15%. Cattle too started consuming more water. As they drink water passing through JIVA device, the health of cattle too improved. (For details, watch the video)

Vikram says that the employees of his farm can better explain about the device than him. Now the employees use the water from JIVA device for cooking as well, they feel that it has improved the taste and nutrition of the cooked food.

The pump-set fitted withJIVAdevice stopped working 15 days ago. Later, the cattle started consuming regular water. As they had to drink regular water again, the milk production too reduced. Vikram says it proves how effective JIVAdevice is. After starting using JIVAwater, several cattle which were not bearing calf given birth to calves. Vikram says it is certainly due to JIVAdevice.

“When we give JIVAdevice to farmers, we don’t tell them that it will increase the milk production. We tell them how the water passed through the device improves fertility of land. It naturally increases the yield of the crops. As it improves the health of the cattle, they produce more milk” says Pashupati, who along with his textile industry works as a brand ambassador of JJIVAdevice. He works to explain everyone about its effectiveness.

Pashupati has installed the device at his residence as well. It has drastically improved his health. His health has become much better now. Then what is this JJIVA? Let’s learn about it.

JIVA is a unique, simple, device. It is the outcome of research of Kodagu based eminent scientist, who resides in United States of America. He invented the device based on the simple rule of Physics, which says when water is allowed to flow freely instead of storing, the water garners energy. The device has undergone several tests and now is ready for commercial production. (Dr Krishna Madappa himself explains in the video)

According to V Srinivasan, who is introducing the device to the Indian market, the device which strengthens water is a revolutionary invention. He gives a beautiful explanation on how it works. Whenever a living thing is locked up, it loses its energy. For example, if a human being is locked up in a room, he feels that he has lost his strength and feels extremely dull. Water is similar to that. As long as it is held up, it keeps on losing its energy. We store water in dams, overhead tanks and sump at homes. This reduces the natural energy of water. If this water is provided some energy again, it can do miracles. The strength of flowing water of a river can’t be seen in water stored in dams. But the water passing through JIVA can again attain the strength of river water says Srinivasan.

3 stages of strengthening water

JIVAdevice works in 3 stages. As you can seeinthis in the video, it looks like to a simple pipe. It is made of stainless steel. But it consists of physical configuration made by scientist Krishna. The water which has lost its strength flows through the pipe through bio sensor. Electrons which strengthen water are activated in the second stage. The water which continues to flow from here regains its lost energy. It neither includes any chemical nor it requires electricity. It works based on simple calculations of Physics.

Strengthening wasteland due to chemicals

Whether it is required or not, we are using chemicals everywhere. We have inserted enormous amount of chemicals into earth. At first, the land has to become fertile again. For that, it requires strengthened water andJIVA does that work says Srinivasan.

“For that matter, this is not any miracle. This is simple science. We tell the same to the farmers. Don’t calculate yield as soon as you start usingJIVA water. At first, make your land fertile with this water naturally. You will only understand the benefits of this in the coming days” says Srinivasan.

The similar philosophy was implemented in the dairy farm which was mentioned earlier. It improved the health of cattle and they started yielding more milk.

The scientist Krishna who invented this device also says the same. If mother earth gets strength from the energised water, she won’t let down the farmers at all. The water with no smell, colour or shape is pure, but it is important to know whether it has energy or not. JIVA induces energy to the pure water.

Global scientist Krishna

Dr Krishna Madappa is a renowned name in global water field. He has been doing research on the behavior of water for decades. He has scientifically proven that water has life and it has been affected due to its abuse by human beings and timely changes through his research for over 25 years.

The outcome of his research is the device called JIVA. It’s a revolutionary device on the formation of water. It re energizes the water we use. Dr Krishna Madappa, who hails from Kodagu, is a Mechanical and Industrial engineer. He is inspired by natural thermodynamics and quantum dimension. He is working on bio physics for over 25 years. He has identified the behavior of water beyond its equation based on spiritual and scientific base. He has understood the importance of water energy mentioned in the Vedas. He has lived with Bedouin tribal people and studied the inner energy of water. He is the founder and CEO of Essence of Life, USA. He is also the co-founder and President of institute of Science Spirituality of USA. He holds PhD in Psycho Neurobics and Yoga. Roric Treaty of Argentina honored him with Global Ambassador of Peace award.

Srinivas who accompanied Krishna

Any invention becomes meaningful only if its utilities reach public. During such times, Srinivas joined with Krishna. Actually, both of them were not known to each other. They happened to meet during an event. When Krishna explained Srinivas about the invention, he got inspired. He immediately felt how true it is, that we have weakened the water. He understood that it will be meaningful only if this invention reaches the common people. As he was an industrialist, he had a dream of reaching out the community with this invention. For that, he started Fourth Phase Technologies Private limited.

Srinivasan has an experience as an industrialist, advisor, guide and investor in startups for 30 years. He started his career as a founder director of SJS, a global industry which manufactures Automotive Dials for OEMs. This company got listed recently in Indian share market. Srinivasan has played a major role in making Indian startups to earn a great name in global level. Based on his vast experience, Srinivasan is aiming at taking JIVA to all nooks and corners of the country. He has made JIVA water to undergo several tests. He has identified the difference between regular bottled water and JIVA water.

We have severelydamagedthe earth by our activities and now we are speaking of going towards organic. We will get the benefits of organic farming only if the land becomes fertile. For that to happen, we have to provide mother earth water having the life in it, says Srinivasan.

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roots of plants grown with JIVA

Strengthened roots due to JIVA water

The experiments on JIVA water which held in Karnataka, Andhra and Tamil Nadu has given good result as well. When we observe the above picture, we can see how the roots of plants grown with JIVA water have become stronger.

JIVAdevice is prepared in four ways, namely Yami – Vipasa – Jahnavi – Dihanga. These are named specially after ancient Indian rivers.

The device named Yami can be used for home usages. It can be installed to farms, overhead tanks. Refer this video.

Vipasa can manage water up to 9,000 litre per hour. It can be used in small farms, poultry and dairies.

The device named Jahnavi has the ability to manage 30,000 litre water per hour. It better suits for larger farms.

Dihanga is heavy duty water structuring device capable to handle 50,000 litre per hour. It better suits for those lands which require more water.

Success story witnessed in Bellary

40 devices are installed in Bellary of Karnataka in the past several months. 75% of such devices are installed in agricultural land. 23% are being used in homes (terrace and herb garden) and 2% used in dairy farms. Srinivas explains the achievements in these places.

Srinivas says that 4 acres of paddy field has grown 185 bags of paddy this year compared to only 160 bags last year. Srinivas confirms that JIVA water has provided 60% increase in paddy seedlings.

Brics vale of nutrition of tomato receiving JIVA water increased from 3.5 – 5 to 9 – 13. Though it has rained unnatural ways this year, the roots of plants were strong due to JIVA nutrition and avoided them getting affected. Buffalos which were giving 6 litres of milk on an average are now giving 7 litre of milk even though they are fed with similar grass and fodder. They have become more fertile as well.

JIVA jal

The research of Krishna Madappa has proved to be energizing water,but it has to reach more and more people. Srinivasan is working on this aspect. As the adoption of the device increases more and more, the results we get will also become more accurate. If you are interested to know the availability and usage of JIVA, you can WhatsApp to 9945949043 to get more details, says spokespersons of JIVA.



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