To address demands of over 14k guest lecturers The government orders to constitute a committee

newly graduated people wearing black academy gowns throwing hats up in the air
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The state government has ordered to immediately constitute a committee with ACS, Department of Higher Education as the head of the committee to prepare a detailed report on addressing the issues of guest lecturers.

Secretaries of the department of finance and Law and Commissioner, DCTE will be the members of the committee. The committee has been asked to submit the report with regard to the demands of over 14,000 guest lecturers who are working under the department, within the specified time limit.

Further, a meeting of MLCs from the graduates’ constituency and teachers constituency chaired by Basavaraja Horatti, Chairman of the legislative council will be held in Belagavi on Tuesday, Dr.C.N.Ashwatha Naryana, Minister for Higher Education has stated.


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