B.E.Courses on par with IIT, NIT, B.Sc. akin to IISc courses


The Vishweshwaraiah Technological University (VTU) which is gearing up for implementation of National Education Policy (NEP-2020) in the state engineering institutions from the current academic year, is set ready to provide quality technical courses on par with IIT, NIT and B.Sc. Course similar to that of Indian Institute of Science (IISc- Bengaluru).

A decision to this effect evolved on Monaday In a virtual meeting convened by Dr.C.N.Ashwatha Narayana, the Ministers of Higher Education and IT/BT and S&T with VTU Vice-Chanellor and other officials.

During the meeting the Minister sought to know the major changes which have been introduced as per NEP-2020. He suggested, Ability Enhancement Courses should be added to make students globally competitive. It was decided in the meeting to add ‘Scientific Foundations of Health’ as a subject to emphasise the importance of Health & Wellness, to award flexibility in teaching,  to introduce ‘Social Connect & Responsibility’ as a subject to inculcate social responsibility in students among other measures.

Narayana emphasized that lot of choices should be made available for students under open electives and Openbook Examination mode should be introduced in certain Design Courses. He added, Open electives should be made more dynamic and regulations with regard to Board of Studies (BOS) sholud be relaxed to facilitate taking timely decisions regarding revamping of curriculum and introduction of new courses.


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