Photo by John Noonan on Unsplash

There’s a hope that’s waiting for you in the dark! You should know you’re beautiful just the way you are…

So who doesn’t know this famous lyrics from scars to your beautiful by Alissia Cara ,everyone is it?  But who knows the actual meaning of the song ? Now some of your hearts  did skip a beat? Didn’t it? So this is what I am speaking about and want you all to  hear it out with an unbiased and with not so sure topical mindset .

Alessia Cara |WIKIMEDIA commons

So when I talk to you about beauty, talent for about being hot or handsome how do you picturize that? A man who is fit with nice body ,jawline and a woman with the perfect waistline  and body type?  Yeah?  Because we can’t help it as “humans of planet Earth” we were  thought that this is beautiful and that is ugly, maintaining a perfect body is bold, sexy, beautiful and being fat is ugly and untalented and not acceptable .

But why ? Does the person’s bodily assets define who he or she really is?  No ! Stop thinking about what society thinks . As every other adjective like tall ,thin ,short which is used to describe things or people ,’ fat ‘is also such  word and not something unacceptable .

Stop being judgmental on things because fat is just  fat , it doesn’t mean ugly unacceptable or  not talented. And being fat certainly doesn’t  mean  to limit one’s choice,  and do you even know how many children between the age group of 9 to 16 stops doing all his or her favorite activities just because people around them consider them  good for nothing just because they are fat. Just because of this ideal weight stereotype , people with a few extra pounds are worried sick  just by not seeing the ideal number on a weighing scale .

These type of stereotypes in people’s mind needs clarification so that “HOPE” doesn’t get buried down in the dark as “Humans Of Planet Earth”  needs to love and accept the fellow human as in humanity  and not by the ideal stereotype.

Because not every human know your worth so just do them a small favor by not hiding your  magic because HOPE exists



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